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BIAA - Ohio

Advocacy & Awareness

Get informed on the Brain Injury Association Ohio Advocacy & Awareness efforts

A central purpose of the Brain Injury Association of Ohio is to prevent brain injury and advocate for the unmet needs and concerns of individuals and families impacted by brain injury-related disabilities and challenges. The Brain Injury Association of Ohio reflects this mission by:

  • Stimulating public and professional awareness of the incidence, causes, and consequences of brain injury as well as methods of prevention
  • Providing a central clearinghouse for information and resources for persons with brain injury, their families, friends, medical providers and professionals
  • Contributing to a statewide network of resources to expand the capacity of Ohio communities to improve the availability of appropriate services and supports for individuals with brain injury throughout the state
  • Actively advocating in the public policy arena for measures to implement prevention strategies and programs as well as development of services and funding sources

Ohio Brain Injury Advisory Committee

The Brain Injury Association of Ohio is named by Ohio Statute as a permanent member of the Brain Injury Advisory Committee. The language of the statute which established the Committee charges the body to advise public leadership on development of programs for survivors and their families, to establish training programs for health care professionals as well as counsel on any other matter relevant to the brain injury program of the state.


THE Brain Injury Association of Ohio worked diligently with other advocacy sponsors in behalf of passage of H.B. 143 on youth athlete concussion prevention in 2011 and 2012, passed by the Ohio General Assembly in 2012.

Concussions in Youth Sports

Between 1.6 – 3.8 million sports and recreation related concussions occur in the United States each year, a rate categorized as “epidemic” by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control). For young people aged 15 to 24, sports are the second leading cause of traumatic brain injury behind only motor vehicle crashes.

Concussions are traumatic brain injuries, and can have serious cumulative effects that may produce long-lasting negative life changes.

In Ohio, on average, nearly 4,000 youths are treated in emergency rooms in Ohio each year due to sports/recreation related TBI’s ages 18 years and younger.

Between 2002 and 2009, there was a dramatic increase of 111% in such visits

The Law in Ohio

In December, 2012, Governor John Kasich signed Legislation to make youth sports in the state of Ohio safer. House Bill 143 was designed specifically to create significantly safer return-to-play guidelines in order to properly treat and diagnose athletes who show signs or symptoms suggestive of possible concussions. Learn more about the bill at the Ohio Athletic Trainers’ Association site here.

Beginning in June, 2013, the provisions of the Youth Concussion Bill took effect and its measures put in place to protect the youth athlete from the serious consequences associated with concussion.

How Can YOU Help?

Join in support of the bill’s successful implementation by striving to increase awareness of concussion effects, prevalence, and safety in all youth sports and activities.

Read and distribute the OATA’s Fact Sheet that covers concussion statistics, guidelines, and an overview of HB 143. Also check out the CDC’s Heads-Up Concussion Guide on the dangers and frequency of concussions among young athletes.

Watch the CDC’s Heads-Up concussion video about a young woman whose life changed after having a concussion.

Mt. Sinai Brain Injury Research Center publishes a series of consumer reports on meeting the challenges of post TBI care and treatment.

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