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National Brain Injury Information Center

Brain Injury Treatment

Just as no two people are exactly alike, no two brain injuries are exactly alike. This is important to keep in mind when addressing brain injury treatment. For some, brain injury is the start of a lifelong disease process.

Brain injury requires access to a full continuum of treatment and community-based supports provided by appropriately educated clinicians serving on an interdisciplinary team. Treatment can be acute or post-acute. Acute treatment involves care that an individual receives in the hospital immediately after their injury, while post-acute care encompasses long-term treatment for persisting side effects of brain injury. The type of care a survivor receives will depend on the severity of the injury, the symptoms they present, and the survivor’s insurance plan. It is also important to know that recovery is sometimes not linear and may require the individual to revisit previous steps in the treatment process.  See the table below to learn about the multiple paths a survivor can take in their treatment journey. 

brain injury treatment map

The individual who sustains a brain injury and their family are the most important members of the treatment team. Their choices, goals, and backgrounds must always be taken into consideration. Each survivor will have a different experience in recovery because no two brain injuries will have the exact same effects on the individual survivors. Therefore, just because one person’s recovery looks different from another’s, that doesn’t mean that the survivor is not making progress.

See the pages listed below to learn more.

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