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COVID-19 Resources

Information to help you through this challenging time

As we adjust to the changes caused by the coronavirus, it's important to keep our health and well-being in mind. Scroll down for social distancing and self-isolation resources. For the accessible version of this page, click here.

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View BIAA’s Easy Reference Guide

General Information

The coronavirus (COVID-19) poses unique challenges for individuals with brain injury, and the information you need is continually updated by a variety of sources. The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) recommends that individuals take the following actions:

Staying Connected

To slow the spread of COVID-19 through U.S. communities, Americans have been encouraged to practice “social distancing” measures. It is important to know that social distancing does not mean social disconnection. The trick is to find ways to remain connected, even when we are physically separated. The BIAA recommends the following articles, videos, and resources that might help:

  • Call us. Please contact the National Brain Injury Information Center (NBIIC), our toll-free helpline, at 1-800-444-6443. We are here to answer your questions and point you to resources in your state.
  • Share your story. Every brain injury is different, yet there are lessons we can learn from the experiences of others. Visit the Personal Stories section of our website and tell your story.
  • Follow us on social media. We post updates every day on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We’d love for you to join our online community and stay connected. 
  • Watch our COVID-19 video series. We’ve collaborated with our friends at various research facilities across the country to bring you videos that discuss what you can do about feelings of isolation in a time of social distancing. Scroll down for the latest videos in the series, or click here to see all videos.

Speak to a Brain Injury Expert

Caring professionals at the National Brain Injury Information Center (NBIIC) are ready to answer your questions.

Dial 1-800-444-6443