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About BIAA

Vision, Mission & Values

Our Vision

Everyone in the U.S. who sustains a brain injury is recognized, treated, and accepted.

Our Mission

As the voice of brain injury, we improve the quality of life of people affected by brain injury across their lifespan through advancing prevention, awareness, research, treatment, education, and advocacy.

Our Values

Make an Impact

Change lives and driving positive outcomes.

Be an Innovator

Build best practices and new approaches to meaningful solutions for our community.

Do it Big

Challenge ourselves, our Affiliates, and our partners to achieve big goals.

Deliver and Amplify Best in Class

Deliver best-in-class program service and supports – backed by research and evidence – and support others in doing the same.

Care for One Another

Support a healthy community.

Core Values

3-Year Vision

Future Date: December 31, 2026

What does it look like?

  1. Visibility

    Increase awareness of brain injury, its prevention, and BIAA by elevating recognition of brain injury as a chronic health condition.

  2. Affiliates

    Enhance the BIAA territory map to improve access to services for survivors and caregivers in all states, promoting uniformity in resources and best practices.

  3. Advocacy

    Be the leading organization for national advocacy efforts and the first call for proposed brain injury legislation. Promote model legislation across the states to improve insurance coverage and access to care.

  4. Referrals

    Achieve a five-fold increase in referrals to the National Brain Injury Information Center (NBIIC) toll-free services, education, and support line.

  5. Treatment

    Advance care through expansion of national research initiatives and increasing professional competency through the Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists (ACBIS).

  6. Engagement

    Unify the brain injury community, broadening engagement by caregivers, survivors, professionals, providers, legislators, and volunteers as partners in a 2025 national stakeholder conference.

  7. Fundraising

    Create a sustainable revenue model for BIAA and affiliates by escalating fundraising opportunities with corporations, foundations, and individuals.

Annual Reports
March 13, 2020

Annual Reports

Each year, the Brain Injury Association of America reports its activities to donors and constituents via an Annual Report.


About BIAA

IRS Form 990s
September 20, 2020

IRS Form 990s

The Brain Injury Association of America's annual filings with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS Form 990) are available for public...


About BIAA

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