TBI Model Systems
Recent Collection of Abstracts
BIAA collaborates with the nation's leading brain injury research centers, such as the TBI Model Systems, to abstract the findings published in profession journals into brief, easy-to-read articles.
Characteristics of African Americans and Hispanics with Traumatic Brain Injuries
What are the characteristics, causes of injury, and ability levels for African Americans and Hispanics with traumatic brain injury following...
Ethnic Status and Traumatic Brain Injury
What are the characteristics, rehabilitation experiences, and outcomes for individuals of minority status with traumatic brain injury?
Outcomes for African Americans and Whites: Similarities and Differences
How do preinjury characteristics and one-year outcomes compare for African Americans and Whites with traumatic brain injury? Are the differences...
Race and Factors Associated with Race: Influences on Productivity After Traumatic Brain Injury
What factors, in addition to race, are associated with how productive minorities are in society after experiencing traumatic brain injury?