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ACBIS Examination Proctor

Testing & Proctoring Process

This page contains important information regarding accessing the examination(s) for the applicant(s) for whom you are serving as an examination proctor.

As of May 2021, the ACBIS examinations will be administered online with automated proctoring; we are no longer requiring in-person test administration.

Candidates will be responsible for self-enrolling and accessing the examination within the platform once their eligibility has been determined and their applications have been approved. Examinations can be taken at any time, unless we are maintaining our servers or the servers are full in capacity. However, note that, depending on when a candidate sits for the examination, immediate assistance by BIAA’s ACBIS staff may not be available (i.e. outside of normal business hours, weekends, holidays, etc.). 

If you are helping an applicant set up the examination:

Refer to the Certification Examination webpage for more information on testing.

  • The exam is to be administered in a quiet room with no distractions.
  • Confirm that the space is clear of all written material, papers, sticky notes – anything that is considered assistance on the exam. This is NOT an open-book exam. No study materials are allowed in the area.
  • You may help the applicant arrange the laptop or desktop monitor, webcam, and mobile camera.
  • You may help the applicant log in to their portal on the platform.
  • You may accompany the applicant while they take the sample exam to confirm that they are complying with the monitoring system’s requirements.
  • Once the applicant starts the actual certification exam, you must leave the area. There is to be no communication of any sort about the examination, the questions, or the answers. There is to be no exchanging of notes or texts, no talking, no whispering.
  • The automated proctoring system records all sound and video and a candidate can be disqualified or have their testing session voided if assistance is detected. The only exception is the provision of technical assistance or contact with ACBIS staff directly.
  • Once the applicant has completed the examination and clicked “Finish Test” and confirmed that choice, then you may converse again. However, remember that the exam is proprietary and belongs to the Brain Injury Association of America, and during or after the test, applicants cannot share or write down questions.

Click here for more important exam information, requirements, and instructions. 

If you need assistance with this process, please contact ACBIS at or 703-761-0750 x631.