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Coalitions & Links


The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) works with many health and disability organizations to accomplish mutual policy goals. BIAA actively participates in several coalitions to harness the strengths and skills of others, maximize the resources, and present a unified and cohesive position to lawmakers. BIAA is active in the following Coalitions:

Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities
The Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities (CCD) is a coalition of approximately 100 national disability organizations working together to advocate for national public policy that ensures the self-determination, independence, empowerment, integration and inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in all aspects of society. BIAA is a member of the CCD Health Task Force, Long Term Services and Supports Task Force, Education Task Force, Veterans and Military Families Task Force.

Coalition to Preserve Rehabilitation – Steering Committee Member
The Coalition to Preserve Rehabilitation (CPR) is composed of national consumer, clinician, and membership organizations that share in the goal to preserve access to rehabilitation services. CPR advocates for policies that ensure access to rehabilitative care so that individuals with disabilities, injuries, or chronic conditions may regain and/or maintain their maximum level of independent function. 

Disability and Rehabilitation Research Coalition (DRRC)
The DRRC is a coalition of national non-profit organizations committed to improving the state of rehabilitation and disability. The DRRC seeks to maximize the return on the federal investment in such research with the goal of improving the ability of Americans with disabilities to live and function as independently as possible. The Coalition plays a leadership role in increasing and leveraging federal resources devoted to disability and rehabilitation research.

Future Care Coalition – Founding Partner
The Future Care Coalition (FCC) is an alliance of disability, patient, consumer, and provider organizations committed to protecting the health and financial security of current and future Medicare beneficiaries who have incurred an injury, disability, or chronic condition as the result of an accident. FCC is led by the Brain Injury Association of America and the United Spinal Association. The FCC’s goal is to ensure that the Medicare rights of those who may have received a financial settlement in response to an accident, injury, or illness is preserved.

Habilitation Coalition
The mission of the Habilitation Benefits Coalition is to coordinate and leverage advocacy for coverage of habilitation benefits in the essential health benefits package that all individual and small group private insurers must offer starting in 2014, as well as ensure the implications of the contents of the EHB package on the benchmark plans offered under the Medicaid program as well as the benefits that are protected under lifetime and annual cap prohibitions are not unjust for habilitation.

Independence through the Enhancement of Medicare and Medicaid Coalition
The Independence through the Enhancement of Medicare and Medicaid (ITEM) Coalition is devoted to raising awareness and building support for policies that will enhance access to assistive devices, technologies, and related services for people with disabilities and chronic conditions. The Coalition is consumer-led and includes a diverse set of disability organizations, aging organizations, consumer groups, voluntary health associations, and non-profit provider associations. 

Injury and Violence Prevention Network
The Injury and Violence Prevention Network is a group of national organizations that support injury and violence prevention policies at the national level and advocates for federal funding for injury and violence prevention. The Safe States Alliance convenes and leads the Network, including facilitating monthly calls for information sharing and coordinating and collaborating on joint strategies for advancing shared goals.

Medicare Therapy Cap Coalition
The Medicare Therapy Cap places a limit on occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech-language pathology services. The cap bars people from getting the rehabilitation services they need to live life to its fullest. The therapy cap is opposed by both consumer and provider organizations at the national state and local level. People with injury, illness, and disabilities need access to rehabilitation services so they can live productive, independent, and satisfying lives as possible. The Therapy Cap Coalition’s goal is to remove the therapy cap from federal law. 

National Collaborative on Children with Brain Injury
The National Collaborative on Children with Brain Injury (NCCBI) is a coalition working to identify critical gaps in educational services for children with brain injury, make policy and research recommendations, and share information, tools, supports and services for children with TBI in a school setting.

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