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Futures Fund Legacy Society

Make a lasting impact on brain injury

Careful estate planning makes it possible for supporters to make a lasting and substantial gift impacting the Brain Injury Association of America’s ability to invest in new lines of services and meet the ever-evolving needs of the brain injury community. The Futures Fund Legacy Society honors those who have remembered BIAA in their will or estate plan, purchased an insurance policy with BIAA a beneficiary, included BIAA as a beneficiary in their 401K or other retirement plan, established a trust with BIAA as a beneficiary or created an endowed fund benefitting BIAA.

If you have included the Brain Injury Association of America in your estate plans, please let us know. We would like to thank you for your generosity, make sure your wishes are understood, and recognize you as a member of the Futures Fund Legacy Society.

The following individuals are members of the Futures Fund Legacy Society, having made a commitment to advancing brain injury care and treatment through a bequest to BIAA in their estate plans or other planned gift:

Dr. Guillermo Arbona
Mr. Mark Lane Brandt
Douglas A. Cindric
Dr. John Corrigan
Mark W. Davis
Dr. Tina Dillahunt
John and Alice Dillon
Bud Elkind
David Fales
Lydia Gibson
Luann Good-deCurnou
Joanne Finegan and Dr. Eli DeHope
E.P. Halstead
Heather Hamilton
Thomas Hardman
Margaret “Peggy” Harris
Page Melton Ivie
Sharon Keith
Stephanie Rivard Lane

Jeffrey LeBlanc
Dr. Shelly Levy
Dr. Brent Masel

Douglas Minturn
Rhonda Oetzel
Reynaldo T. Palacio
Daniel Pando
Jill Pando
Harold Pritchard
Dr. Linda Redmann
John Rivard
Albert and Nadene Robertson
Dr. Robert Sbordone
Howard and Marcia Summers
Angela Leigh Tucker
LCDR Jeanne Van Gilder
Larry Volchok
Ms. Janice L. Zimmerman


Should your name be listed here? Please contact Stephanie Cohen, Development Manager, at (703) 761-0750, ext. 645 for more information.


Speak to a member of BIAA's Development Staff

Do you have a question about a donation, tribute gift, or event idea for BIAA? Our fundraising professionals are ready to help!

Get in Touch

Phone: 703-761-0750
