Living with Brain Injury
Downloads, tools, and videos related to living a full life despite brain injury.
View, stream, and download brain injury resources, videos, awareness materials, and more.
Downloads, tools, and videos related to living a full life despite brain injury.
Vital tools, resources, and videos to help caregivers navigate the journey ahead.
The essential brain injury newsletter for professionals
Download posters, flyers, PSAs, videos, and more in this section to do your part to help reduce stigma of brain injury and increase access to care.
A variety of resources generated by translating scientific brain injury-related discoveries into useful and practical knowledge for consumers and the general public.
Weekly updates on brain injury policy, proposals, news and more straight to your desk from Capitol Hill.
A digital version of our magazine THE Challenge!
Clinicians, direct care staff, healthcare administrators and more will find useful documents, tools, and information within this section.
Provided free of charge through the Butch Alterman Memorial Fund, these experience-based webinars are created to help survivors navigate life after brain injury.
Articles, videos, and other resources to help you through the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Watch 40 stories from individuals with concussion and their families, created through the CrashCourse by TeachAids Concussion Story Wall project.
Seeking legal information or an expert brain injury attorney to represent you may be a daunting task. BIAA's Legal Issues is a great place to find articles, news, and general information related to brain injury and the law.
The Brain Injury Association's grassroots network is a driving force influencing law making on a national level. Visit this section for important position papers, policy data, and more.
Sample text, images, and other materials to help you raise funds for the brain injury community!
The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) is the country’s oldest and largest nationwide brain injury advocacy organization. Visit this section to learn more.
Last year, BIAA hosted a virtual symposium on stroke providing information on three potential after-effects of stroke, associated treatment and rehabilitation approaches, along with strategies for family caregivers.
Find resources to learn about and deal with living pseudobulbar affect.