Sexual Functioning and Satisfaction after Traumatic Brain Injury: An Educational Manual
Categories: Being a Caregiver, Living with Brain Injury
This guide was created by Angelle M. Sander, Ph.D., Brain Injury Research Center, TIRR Memorial Hermann; Anne M. Moessner, R.N., M.S.N., C.R.R.N.; Kathryn S. Kendall, R.N., B.S.N., C.R.R.N., Mayo Clinic; Monique R. Pappadis, M.Ed., CHES, CCRP, TIRR Memorial Hermann University of Houston, Dept. of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Baylor College of Medicine; Flora M. Hammond, M.D., Carolinas Rehabilitation and Indiana University School of Medicine; and Cherina M. Cyborski, M.D., Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. Download the full PDF to find the following content:
- Chapter 1: Types of Sexual Changes After TBI
- Chapter 2: Why do Changes in Sexuality and Sexual Functioning Occur after TBI?
- Chapter 3: Suggestions for Improving Sexual Functioning and Satisfaction
- Chapter 4: Safe Sex Practices
- Chapter 5: Resources
Here is an excerpt of this guide:
Sexuality is a very important part of who we are and how we see ourselves. It is a part of what makes us feel attractive, confident, and close to others. These are all important for forming new relationships. Sexual functioning means any intimate activity that you do to get pleasure. When sexual functioning changes, it can make a person feel unattractive, less confident, and less close to other people.
If you are reading this brochure, you have likely either had a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or someone close to you has. You may have some questions or concerns about how TBI affects sexual functioning. The purpose of this booklet is to provide you with information on changes in sexual functioning that can occur after TBI. It is hoped this information will help you better understand and cope with any changes in sexual functioning that you may experience. Even if you have not yet returned to sexual activity, you may have questions about how TBI affects sexuality.
The first thing to know is that you should try not to feel embarrassed about sexual changes. You should feel comfortable talking about them with your doctor, a nurse, or any other rehabilitation professional (for example, physical therapist or psychologist). Sexuality is a normal part of physical functioning, and problems with sexuality should be dealt with just like any other medical problem.
This booklet is divided into several sections. You can choose to read the entire thing or skip to sections that interest you. Keep the booklet to refer to at a later time when your questions may be different.
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