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Brain Injury Awareness Month

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Brain Injury Awareness Rally on Capitol Hill

Join BIAA on March 5, 2024 in advocating for brain injury awareness on Capitol Hill.

Join the Brain Injury Association of America and other members of the brain injury community for a rally on Capitol Hill for Brain Injury Awareness Day on March 5, 2024, and help us win reauthorization for the Traumatic Brain Injury Act.

The Traumatic Brain Injury Act provides much-needed funding to improve rehabilitation and community support for people with brain injury, but it is set to expire in 2024. This funding has been show to improve the overall outcomes for people with brain injury. So why are only some states receiving this funding? We believe there is an opportunity with the reauthorization to ask to get everyone covered, which is why we need all the help we can get!

By joining us at our rally, you can:

  • Get involved directly with legislative advocacy by speaking with legislators about the importance of supporting the brain injury community
  • Receive a Brain Injury Awareness Day 2024 t-shirt
  • Meet other members of the brain injury community from across the country

Can’t make it in person? There will be many more ways to get involved. More information is coming soon. Sign up to receive updates on awareness day activities below.

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