Brain Injury Association of America Launches New Awareness Campaign in Conjunction with Brain Injury Awareness Month
February 21, 2024

In recognition of Brain Injury Awareness Month this March, the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) has revealed its new, survivor-focused awareness campaign for 2024. The My Brain Injury Journey campaign aims to start a larger conversation about some of the lesser-known aspects of brain injury while acknowledging it’s unique and dynamic nature and empowering survivors and their loved ones to share their personal stories about navigating life after brain injury.
“There’s an often repeated saying in the brain injury community: if you’ve seen one brain injury, you’ve seen one brain injury,” said Rick Willis, President and CEO of BIAA. “Every brain injury survivor’s story is unique, and every person affected by brain injury has a story to tell. Those stories are as diverse and nuanced as the people sharing them, and all of them deserve to be told.”
The My Brain Injury Journey campaign’s goal is to engage and educate the general public by shedding light on some of the lesser-known aspects of brain injury: its chronic nature, that brain injuries look different for each individual survivor, and that brain injuries are more than simply a one-time event. Many survivors are left with invisible disabilities – some of which last for years, if not the rest of their lives – that keep others from fully understanding the whole story.
“The campaign was designed with help from support group leaders, advocates, and people living with brain injury,” explained Steve Walsh, BIAA’s senior director of marketing and communications. “We wanted to draw attention to both the complex and unique nature of brain injury while also pointing out that living with brain injury is a very personal experience. One overarching theme that came up consistently is that brain injury is a journey, and the path survivors walk is neither predictable nor linear.”
Carrie Rayburn, CTRS, CBIS, Board Director of Brain Injury Florida, said her favorite aspect of the My Brain Injury Journey campaign is the way it highlights the ability for individuals to speak on their personal experience without limitations. “A person’s journey after experiencing a brain injury is so personal and unique,” she said. “Sharing those individual stories with others is powerful and vital to raising awareness. I’m looking forward to reading all of the stories from the brave individuals that share theirs through this campaign.”
“I’m so excited for the launch of the new brain injury awareness campaign, ‘My Brain Injury Journey,’” commented Cazoshay Marie, a member of BIAA’s Advisory Council. “It emphasizes that every brain injury experience is unique, presenting its own highs and lows and twists and turns. The campaign also highlights that every survivor is welcome and valued in this inclusive and comprehensive movement from BIAA to both advocate for and provide support to brain injury survivors from all walks of life.”
The My Brain Injury Journey campaign also opens the door to a larger conversation around the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services formally recognizing and designating brain injury as a chronic health condition, like heart disease or diabetes.
“I believe we need to recognize, treat, and cover brain injury as a chronic condition. In many cases, it’s not a single event, but creates a lifetime of changes for an individual,” said Page Melton Ivie, BIAA’s Chairwoman of the Board. “I am fighting for brain injury to be recognized as a chronic condition, because it would help so many people on the front end of their injury, instead of waiting for years and trying to figure out if they are having problems related to the injury. Having that recognized, examined, and treated early on could make a dramatic difference in quality of life for so many survivors.”
For more than three decades, BIAA has proudly led the nation in observing Brain Injury Awareness Month every March. The Association works to educate the public throughout the year and reduce the stigma for the 5.3 million Americans who live with brain injury-related disabilities. This Brain Injury Awareness Month, BIAA is encouraging everyone affected by brain injury, including survivors, their loved ones, and the people who treat them, to share their unique stories about their brain injury journey. More information on Brain Injury Awareness Month and how to share your story can be found at
Individuals in need of information, resources, and support after brain injury can also speak with a certified brain injury specialist by calling BIAA’s National Brain Injury Information Center at 1-800-444-6443.