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Policy Corner: February 11, 2022

Categories: Policy Corner Archives

Save the Dates: Brain Injury Awareness Month Briefings and Webinars

Brain Injury Awareness Month is right around the corner. Several organizations and federal agencies are hosting virtual events to raise awareness of brain injury.

  • Brain Injury Awareness Day Hosted by the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force

The Congressional Brain Injury Task Force (CBITF) Brain Injury Awareness Day Briefing will be held virtually on the afternoon of March 16. CBITF co-chairs, Reps. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-N.J.) and Don Bacon (R-Neb.) will kick off the Briefing which will feature U.S. Representatives and Senators who will discuss current proposed legislation impacting brain injury and how, as advocates, we can help promote the interests of brain injury. Click here to register.

  • Administration for Community Living Virtual TBI Stakeholder Day

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) will host a virtual webinar March 8 from 12-4:30 p.m. (ET). This year’s sessions will feature Survivor Engagement Strategies, Domestic Violence and the Effect on Children, Effective Partnerships with Behavioral Health with a Focus on Suicide, and Effective Strategies for Using and Leveraging Data. Issues of equity and intersectionality will be woven into each session. Additionally, participants will also hear from leaders at ACL, and other federal partners engaged in efforts to promote and educate communities on the challenges surrounding this field and the promising practices and initiatives occurring at the national level. ACL is in the process of finalizing the agenda. Click here to register.

Sessions will be live-captioned and ASL-interpreted. If you require additional accommodations to participate or if you have any questions about the sessions, please contact

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Webinar: Where Americans Live Impacts Their Change of a TBI-Related Death

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will hold a webinar, “Where Americans Live Impacts Their Chance of a TBI-Related Death,” March 7 at 2 p.m. (ET). CDC’s Dr. Jill Daugherty will share findings from recent CDC reports about the impacts of where Americans live on their chance of a TBI-related death. She will also explore how other sociodemographic factors result in differences in TBI care and outcomes and why better surveillance and programmatic efforts may be needed to bridge these gaps. Click here to register.

House Passes CR to Extend Federal Spending

The House of Representatives voted 272-162 to pass a continuing resolution (CR) that would fund federal programs through March 11 to prevent a government shutdown when the current CR expires Feb. 18. The legislation would also extend the current level of funding which is the same as last year’s through March 11. The Senate has yet to pass appropriation bills. The Senate could consider the CR soon. Congress continues to negotiate overall funding levels for an omnibus funding bill for fiscal year 2022.

The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Fiscal Policy Ad Hoc Task Force is sending a letter to House and Senate appropriations leaders urging them to finalize the appropriations bills and avoid a year-long CR. The Injury and Violence Prevention Network is also planning to circulate a sign on letter for House and Senate appropriators to adopt the House recommendations for fiscal year 2022, which includes $2 million to establish the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Concussion Surveillance System as authorized by the TBI Program Reauthorization Act of 2018.

BIAA gratefully acknowledges the Centre for Neuro Skills and Avanir Pharmaceuticals for their support for legislative action. Click here to read past issues of Policy Corner.