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More Than My Brain Injury: Megan’s Story

Categories: Living with Brain Injury

Megan Stier first sustained a brain injury in her junior year of high school, but she didn’t allow that to stop her from living her life. Megan is more than her brain injury.

Why #MoreThanMyBrainInjury?

Many people with disabilities have their lives defined for them. The More Than My Brain Injury campaign gives individuals a chance to overcome those definitions, allowing them to tell their own stories and change the narrative of their lives. Click here to join the #MoreThanMyBrainInjury campaign.

Speak up. Download our posters and social media graphics to help raise awareness of brain injury and its various causes. Click here to see the campaign collateral.

Speak out. Advocates like you are our greatest asset. Why not write a letter to the editor or try to get a PSA aired on your local radio station? Click here for ways to engage the media.

Know the facts. At least 3.6 million people in the U.S. sustain brain injuries each year. Want to learn more? Click here to download our fact sheet.

Do more. Want to do more than raise awareness? Step up by raising funds for brain injury services, supports, and research. Click here to start a fundraiser.

To learn more about concussion and brain injury, check out these resources:

If you need personalized support or resources, contact BIAA’s National Brain Injury Information Center at 1-800-444-6443 or email us at