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How to Plan a Successful Online Fundraiser

Categories: Fundraising

Hosting an online fundraiser for the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) is simple and easy when you follow just a few key steps. Remember, the development team is always here to help you, so ask all the questions you want!

Step 1: Set your fundraising goal

  • Set your goal at a round number that you are likely to reach
  • Make sure to increase your goal when you get close to exceeding it
  • Goals tied to BIAA’s mission resonate with donors. Try something like “my goal is to raise $500 to support the National Brain Injury Information Center for one more day” or “my goal is to raise $5,000 to support one more

Think about the total number of people you are planning to ask and the gift you are asking them to give. For example, if you plan to ask 25 of your friends to each give $50, a reasonable goal could be $1,000. This assumes some may give more while others may not respond at all. Click here for ideas to help you raise funds quickly.

Step 2: Recruit others to help you

Everything is more fun with a group. Are there people in your network or friend group who would help you raise money for BIAA? Give them your fundraising link and ask them to share it with others.

Step 3: Create your personal fundraising message

Why is brain injury important to you and worthy of support from others? Let your friends, family, and co-workers know about your personal connection to brain injury and why it is important to you. People who aren’t invested in your cause will still give because they care about you.

Step 4: Target specific people in your network and ask according to their ability to give.

Personalize your letters and ask people to give to your online fundraiser based on their capacity. An average gift may be $50, but some people you know might be able to give more. Try explaining what a gift of a specific amount can do for people with brain injury (click here for ideas). Don’t forget to ask if their employer will match their gift – that can often double or triple the value of their contribution!

Step 5: Create a plan, schedule it, and stick to it

As much as we think our friends will respond to our appeal right away, the reality is that we need to ask more than once. Plan to ask once and follow up with a reminder 5-7 days later. If you still haven’t heard from them, plan to ask one more time before your fundraising deadline.