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Concussion Story Wall: Kristina

Categories: Concussion Story Wall

Kristina how she sustained a concussion while diving at 17 years old.

To kick-off National Concussion Awareness Day, the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) has joined together with CrashCourse to celebrate our 40th Anniversary by offering a sneak peek of 40 of the nearly 4,000 personal stories featured in the TeachAids Concussion Story Wall interactive database.

About the Concussion Story Wall

The Concussion Story Wall is a part of the CrashCourse by TeachAids product suite. It includes thousands of individual stories relating to how the injury occurred, the symptoms experienced, and personal suggestions from those that have lived through it. It is a resource for the many who are impacted including athletes, parents, coaches, officials, teachers, and military veterans.

The Concussion Story Wall will be officially released by Winter 2020 and will include stories that address the following questions:

  1. What was the cause of your concussion?
  2. What were your symptoms? (Physical/mental struggles?)
  3. What was the greatest challenge about your concussion?
  4. What tips helped you get through your recovery process?
  5. In retrospect, what is something helpful you could have said to yourself during recovery?
  6. Were you comfortable sharing experiences about your concussion? Were your family, friends, team, coach, school helpful in this process?

An additional highlight of the Concussion Story Wall is a panel of leading medical experts addressing specific aspects of concussions related to diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. To learn more, click here.


The opinions expressed in Story Wall interviews are not necessarily those of TeachAids or its affiliates. These are personal stories and are not intended to serve as medical advice. For such, contact your physician or other qualified healthcare provider. This video contains difficult topics including mental health that may be triggering. TeachAids can make no guarantees as to the accuracy, currency, or completeness of any content or information contained herein nor that any such information will not be superseded by subsequent developments.

This content is provided only for noncommercial, informational use. It is not medical advice and is not a substitute for clinical diagnosis, advice from your physician, or the practice or provision of medical care. Do not rely on this content to assess your health—instead, consult with your physician or another qualified healthcare professional in all matters relating to your health. TeachAids and/or its interviewees or licensees are not responsible or liable for any decisions you may make in reliance on this content.