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Concussion Information Series Chapter III: Common Challenges of Concussion

Categories: Living with Brain Injury, Being a Caregiver

Once concussion symptoms are identified, you and your health care provider need to determine how these symptoms have become challenge areas for daily activities. This next step toward recovery is to work together with teachers, coaches, health care professionals, and your student to develop a plan for rest and a gradual return to activities. Those who are closest to the student are in the best position to know what to look for, when to intervene and when to ask for help from a professional.

A concussion can bring about a variety of symptoms. These challenges not only impact the student who has had the concussion –but anyone who interacts with that student. Because of this the recovery process can be overwhelming for all those involved. This makes it even more important that everyone be involved in the recovery process.

Important Take-Away Points

  • All care providers need to be involved: parents, siblings, teachers, coaches and friends.
  • Each student who has had a concussion may have different symptoms and effects, but ALL areas of their life can be impacted.
  • After sustaining a concussion it is very important to avoid any activity that places the student at risk of sustaining another concussion.
  • It is important to limit the amount of activity so not to increase symptoms.

The challenges a student experiences after a concussion may be subtle or obvious. Parents and students will note changes in behaviors that are not a part of the student’s typical behavior, but they might not be able to put their finger on what exactly is different. Click on the following link for a break down of challenges in different areas of a student’s life starting with family and friends – those closest to the student.

Teachers and school staff will often see changes in a student who has sustained a concussion, but these changes will present differently in the classroom. The changes that occur are further influenced by the school environment and the work that is required of the student. These changes will require accommodations in order to support recovery while learning. Accommodations mean that an activity or assignment is modified or changed so that the student isn’t overwhelmed by it. The teacher will learn when to push forward and when to lighten the load. Bringing a physician’s note to school might help explain the situation to the teacher and staff. Watch the following video for a break down of challenges for the student as they return to school, as well as for the teacher who is supporting the student. This information is also expanded upon in the Accommodations section.

Read Chapter IV: Road to Recovery