Brain Injury Fundamentals: A New Approach to Brain Injury Education
Categories: Professionals
When someone sustains a brain injury, it’s not just the life of the individual that is affected, but the lives of family, friends, and people in the community. As part of its mission to provide education that improves the lives of individuals with brain injury, the Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists (ACBIS) has targeted the widest possible audience with information that can be used in everyday life.
Developed by experienced clinicians and rehabilitation professionals, the Brain Injury Fundamentals course is a certificate program designed to address the unique needs and challenges of those who care for or encounter individuals with brain injury. This includes direct care staff, facility staff, family members and friends, first responders, and others in the community.
The course is grounded in adult learning principles, maximizing participant engagement and application through an interactive workbook. Using the stories of two individuals to anchor the course concepts, participants learn about the challenges people face following brain injury and how they are supported. Course content covers: Overview of brain injury and cognition; developing effective interaction skills and addressing behavioral concerns; common physical and medical issues following brain injury; best practices for medication management; and impact of brain injury on the family. An online post-test is provided in open-book format, earning participants a certificate of completion that can be printed.
The Brain Injury Fundamentals course is comprehensive and flexible enough to be incorporated as an organization’s on-boarding program for direct care staff, or used as a stand-alone training in healthcare and community facilities. The course can be taught by ACBIS trainers and by CBIS staff with three or more years’ experience in the field. Instructor support materials and training are provided.
ACBIS is excited to offer more people the ability to gain knowledge and skills that improve the lives of those affected by brain injury through this new program. Click here to learn more about the program.