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Participation Assessment with Recombined Tools-Objective (PART-O): Development and Scoring

Categories: Rehabilitation and Recovery

The Question

Can we develop a better method to describe a person's participation in society?

Past Studies

Participation in society is one of the most important outcomes of rehabilitation. Several measurement tools have been developed to describe participation after traumatic brain injury. However, each tool has strengths and weaknesses. In addition, most tools rely on a method of scoring which involves summing the item scores, based on the assumption that ‘more’ is always better.

These Studies

The authors of existing instruments decided to combine the best items from each of their tools to form a new instrument, called the Participation Assessment with Recombined Tools-Objective (PART-O). The new tool measures engagement in community-based activities. A second study sought to develop methods to score the new instrument in order to maximize its utility for a variety of users. The new instrument provides scores for three domains of participation: Productivity; Social Relations; and Out and About. In addition, two Total scores were developed. The Averaged Total score is based on traditional scoring methods, providing an indication of how much the person participates without consideration of ‘how’ one participates.

The Balanced Total score reflects the extent to which the person is engaged equally across the three domains of participation. This latter score arose from a review of the work-balance literature, which suggests that people are happier and healthier when they are able to balance their various roles (i.e. worker, spouse, parent).

Bottom Line

Future studies are needed to assess the reliability of the PART-O and to further evaluate the validity and utility of the scoring methods


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Whiteneck G., Dijkers M., Heinemann A.W., Bogner J., Bushnik T., Cicerone K., Corrigan J., Hart T., & Malec J. (2011). Development of the Participation Assessment with Recombined Tools-Objective for use with individuals with traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 92, 542-51.
Bogner, J. A., Whiteneck, G. G., Corrigan, J. D., Lai, J. S., Dijkers, M. P., Heinemann, A. W. (2011). Comparison of scoring methods for the Participation Assessment with Recombined Tools–Objective. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 92, 552-63.