Confusion (Delirium) Appears Common among Individuals in Inpatient Rehabilitation
Categories: Cognition - Thinking and Emotional Skills
How common is extreme confusion (delirium) among individuals with traumatic brain injury in inpatient rehabilitation?
Past Studies
Past Studies show that individuals who lose consciousness with a traumatic brain injury can experience a brief or prolonged period of altered mental abilities as they regain alertness and recover. During this state, individuals may have difficulty with thinking skills such as memory and disorientation.
This Study
This study evaluated 85 individuals from one inpatient rehabilitation facility for symptoms of delirium. The individuals had mild, moderate, and severe traumatic brain injuries. The researchers reviewed the participants’ medical records and conducted interviews with them and their families. The researchers tested the participants weekly using standardized tests of delirium and post-traumatic amnesia and clinical interview. Participants were diagnosed using widely accepted diagnostic guidelines for delirium (the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-IV criteria). Fifty-nine (69%) of the 85 participants met the criteria for delirium at the time of inpatient admission. Of these 59, 42 (71%) recovered from delirium during inpatient rehabilitation. The post-traumatic confusional state appeared average 43 days among participants in this study. Overall, this group of individuals with traumatic brain injury had a higher incidence of delirium than reported in prior studies of individuals with other medical conditions (69% vs. 20%) which typically included older individuals.
Who May Be Affected By These Findings
Individuals with traumatic brain injury and their loved ones,
The researchers argue that the standardized testing measures for post-traumatic amnesia alone do not capture all of the symptoms of the delirium. They state that the characteristics of post-traumatic confusion (delirium) must be identified for the individual to receive the most appropriate treatments and best outcomes.
Bottom Line
Delirium appears common among individuals with traumatic brain injury in inpatient rehabilitation. Sixty-nine percent of the individuals in this study met the criteria for delirium at the time of admission to inpatient rehabilitation. This rate is significantly higher than reported for individuals with other medical diagnoses in prior studies which typically included older individuals.
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Nakase-Thompson, R., Sherer, M., Yablon, S., Nick, T.G., & Trzepacz, P.T. (2004). Acute confusion following traumatic brain injury.Brain Injury, 18, 131-142.