Ohio Budget Bill Relocates Brain Injury Program
May 31, 2013
The Ohio Valley Center for Brain Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation (OVC) at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center has been named as the designated lead agency for Brain Injury in the State of Ohio. Previously seated at Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission, the Brain Injury Program was transferred to OVC with the signing of the Budget Bill by Governor Kasich.
The Brain Injury Program for Ohio (BIP) is advised by Ohio’s statewide advisory committee, known as the Brain Injury Advisory Committee (BIAC). The BIAC includes 10-12 individuals representing specific membership categories as defined through the Ohio Revised Code (3304.231). These seats are held by members who will be appointed by the Dean of the College of Medicine for 2-year, renewable terms.
The Brain Injury Association of Ohio (BIAOH), Ohio’s statewide education and advocacy organization for individuals with brain injury and their families, is among the agencies with a designated seat on the Program’s Advisory Committee.
During the past year, the BIAC evaluated several potential new ‘homes’ for the Brain Injury Program in Ohio based on the Health Resources and Services Administration benchmarks. By unanimous committee approval, the BIAC recommended that the administrative responsibility for the Ohio Brain Injury Program be transferred to Ohio State. BIAOH, instrumental in passage of the 1989 legislation creating the BIP and BIAC, supported the Program’s transfer to the Ohio Valley Center at OSU.
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, via its Ohio Valley Center for Brain Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation, has the internal expertise and scope of practitioners to efficiently administer the Brain Injury Program, which will ultimately benefit Ohioans with these injuries.