Celeste Palmer
Celeste Palmer is the Founder of Bridging the Gap, a California nonprofit championing recovery for TBI survivors while providing critical developmental support for organizations serving brain injury survivors. In her latest project, Unscripted – A Guide to Living Spontaneously After Amnesa & Brain Trauma – Celeste reveals intimate details about her track back to the top of her career after losing 50 years of her memory when a driver ran a stop sign crashing into her vehicle.
Celeste Palmer’s road to recovery began with a key choice she calls her “happiness project.” Like a Phoenix, this choice gave her the velocity to rise from Amnesia and achieve remarkable new triumphs such as: completing a Master of Arts in Management with highest honors, navigating a 2nd TBI, forming a mentorship and friendship with the renowned Peter F. Drucker, and serving as the Director of the MBA program at the Drucker School of Management.
Celeste has spent the last 15 years helping TBI survivors and their families rebuild and find new ways toward recovery and a better life. She has become the go-to for industry leading brain health professionals seeking to connect their patients with credible resources after discharge. Celeste’s podcasts, speaking and other materials can be viewed at https://www.tbibridge.org/.