Luke Bohnenberger
Do you remember the day you were born? Probably not, but you know the date. how about the day you died? March 13th, 2015, a day I don’t remember either. But just like my birthday, this date will stay with me forever. On that day, mid-morning, I laid on the ground several feet away from a totaled vehicle. I was bleeding out, my brain was swelling, and my lungs were collapsing. That was the day I died. That was also the day I sustained a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Given only a 5% chance of surviving the night, I underwent a life-saving surgery that required half of my skull to be removed for few months. When I finally woke from a two-week coma, I defied all odds, walking within a month. Every limitation the doctors placed on me became irrelevant.
Living with half a skull, enduring life-threatening infections, seizures, and relearning basic skills like walking and talking were only part of my recovery. Yet, none of that pain brought me to my true breaking point. The real battle I faced wasn’t physical, it was mental. The TBI had damaged my frontal lobe far worse than anyone anticipated. I was given a miracle, but it came with a price. I became violent, emotionally unstable, and suicidal. Battling your own mind is like being trapped in a hall of mirrors—every reflection just a different version of you. Anger became my worst reflection, leading to verbal threats and physical outbursts. Eventually, I stabilized long enough to call 911 and admit myself to a mental hospital. That was the beginning of my transformation.
Once I regained control over myself, I realized I couldn’t move forward without giving back. I had to recycle my pain into purpose. I started volunteering at a local rehab for brain injury survivors, became a certified coach and speaker, published a book called Recycling Pain, and launched my own LLC, LukeSpeaks. I vowed that my miracle would spread to those around me, and I haven’t stopped since.
Here’s a glimpse into my journey:
- On the Brain Injury Association of South Carolina’s Leadership Council
- Certified in Brain Injury Fundamentals (2024)
- Spoken at schools about seat belt safety (2016-2018)
- Head speaker for “Safety Stewardship Calls,” reaching over 400 people about workplace safety (2019 – 2023)
- Speaker at Roger C. Peace for TBI survivors and caregivers (2016 & 2024)
- Award-winning speaker at a Les Brown conference (2017)
- Toastmaster (2018)
- Main speaker and coordinator for the “TBI for Butterflies” event, raising awareness for traumatic brain injuries (2016)
- Host and inspirational speaker at the “Recycling Pain” event, alongside four other speakers (2019)
- Speaker at the Brain Injury Statewide Conference for BIASC (2016 & 2024)
- Three years of speaking for the Salvation Army (2017-2020)
- Speaker for Prisma Hospital’s Neuro Unit for Brain Injury Awareness (2016)
- Volunteer at Roger C. Peace Rehabilitation for TBI survivors (Now)
- Coordinated and spoke at various “Lunch and Learns” across the Upstate of South Carolina (2015-2018)
- Shared my story on WYFF4 News (2016)
- Spoke on Fox Carolina News about Suicide and TBI (2024)
- Speaker for Disability Advocacy Day (2024)
- Ran the nonprofit “TwoBirdsOneStone,” offering comfort and spoken word to ICU waiting rooms (2016)
- Invited to speak in London at a “Build a Business” conference (2019)
- Author of Recycling Pain, a book on transforming pain into purpose
- Certified life coach (
I will never stop giving back. My miracle is not just for me—it’s for everyone I meet.