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Jordan Segal, Michael

Michael Jordan Segal, MSW


Shot in the head and left for dead during a convenience store robbery, Michael Jordan Segal defied all odds by first surviving and then returning to college at the University of Texas at Austin. Needing to learn to walk and talk again, Segal went on to earn two degrees with honors, marry his high school sweetheart, Sharon (who was with him the night he was shot), and became a father to their daughter. The thieves eliminated Mike’s ability to pursue his life-long dream to become a surgeon; however, they could not eliminate his desire to help people. He is a social worker and now he will be devoting much of his time helping families/patients of trauma (as well as other illness/injuries) at a local trauma hospital in Houston receive emotional support. Mike was also able to walk his daughter down the aisle at her wedding, on the anniversary of his injury. He is now a grandfather and enjoys spending time with his growing family. 

Mike’s goal, when appropriate, “is to try to put a smile on families/patients faces.” He also is a popular inspirational speaker sharing his “recipe” for recovery, happiness, and success (as well as an author with many of his stories appearing in various CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL books. For more information, please visit