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Jenn Williams

Jenn Williams

Jenn Williams is a survivor, advocate, and co-founder of the Middle People Project. In 2016 Jenn was going about her busy life when her hand “fell asleep” at work. Over the course of the next 10 days her symptoms slowly spread until she was paralyzed on her right side. She had a left thalamic stroke that would change her life forever. Though she tried to return to her previous life, she soon realized her new life was very different. Throughout her recovery, Jenn refused to be a victim of circumstance. She charged forward in her recovery, seeking answers from countless practitioners and studies, while also grieving the loss of her old life. She is now on a mission to ensure that other brain injury survivors and caregivers get the healthcare, support, and understanding they deserve. 

As a speaker, Jenn shares her inspiring recovery, ongoing challenges, how gratitude improved her recovery, and the variety of tools and information she has picked up along the way. She has presented at the Maine Defining Moments in Brain Injury Conference, and to numerous small groups including support groups and graduate classes. Jenn serves on the BIAA-ME Advisory Board, teaches self-advocacy skills to survivors through BIANH, and is a co-founder of the Middle People Project, an initiative that offers resources for brain injury survivors who don’t qualify for state and federal services but still need support in their recovery.