Nicole Bingaman
Nicole Bingaman became fully acquainted with the term traumatic brain injury in 2012 when her adult son suffered a catastrophic brain injury.
Following his injury, Nicole shared her response to what was happening on social media on a page that had been created for updates. As a result of her powerful writing, an agent approached her. In 2015, Nicole’s book, Falling Away from You, was published.
Nicole continues her career in human services, blogs and serves on the Board of Directors of the Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania. Nicole was recently named a “Hope Hero”, by TBI Hope and Inspiration magazine.
Nicole has been involved in public speaking for many years. In the years prior to her son’s accident, she shared her program, One Night of Choices, in schools, treatment centers, houses of worship, and MADD conferences throughout Pennsylvania. This presentation explored how choices defined a group of teenagers and took away the life of an innocent bystander. The innocent bystander was Nicole’s stepbrother, who was murdered while riding his bike home from work.
Nicole now shares her family’s journey with brain injury through a presentation titled Love Wins. Nicole supports the idea that brain injury happens to a family, not just an individual. She speaks at brain injury conferences, rehabilitation hospitals, schools, medical conferences, and educational symposiums.
Nicole’s passion is to increase awareness concerning the true impact of brain injury within a family and to offer honest insight about the struggles involved. Nicole brings a message of hope, honesty, compassion, and vision for survivors and their loved ones. She embraces the concept that we rise by lifting others.