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Words of Advice For Dealing With a TBI Survivor

March 6, 2023
Words of Advice For Dealing With a TBI Survivor

In one moment (a matter of seconds) my entire life changed and of all things to be majorly injured…the one thing I’ve always prided myself upon and managed to make a decent living utilizing…MY BRAIN! For those who have stood by my side since my accident, thank you and please have patience and listen to me and try to understand or learn about my injury. I can no longer deal with the judgement or hear that I’m “faking” or “exaggerating” what is happening. That is actually your ignorance and lack of compassion and understanding. It is not my will to do or say certain things, it is my brain taking over. To be in my life, you need to understand that.

If you see me and I don’t remember your name or recall a story or memory, PLEASE be kind. My brain is in a daily tug of war, and I’m fighting with all I have to remember. Rather than saying I am faking for attention, acting crazy, or dramatic, I humbly request that you come from a place of curiosity. I no longer get to do the simple things you take for granted. It takes me four to five times as much energy to remember, to form thoughts, or perform simple tasks.

I’m a strong woman, I’m a fighter and I’m still in here somewhere. I’ll never give up. I don’t have the luxury to. My journey is not for the weak and it is far from over. Many couldn’t have withstood the first month let alone almost four years in my shoes. Where this journey will take me or what I’ll do next is anyone’s guess. I will however advocate for my fellow survivors and educate as best I can. I fight for what I believe in and as tired as I am there is a lot of fight left in me. I will get myself as close as I can to the pre-accident Whit, and I will use my experiences to help so many that don’t have the strength or the voice to advocate for themselves. I do believe this happened to me for a reason. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to justify why it was me and maybe it is true that God gives the hardest battles to his toughest soldiers? TBI Soldiers!

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