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The T.B.I.

September 7, 2023 Murray Dunlap
The T.B.I.

The T.B.I.

 A severe brain injury is impossible to describe. I have tried thousands of times and thousands of times, I have failed. And that is why it is so damn frustrating. You have enough awareness and intellect left that you mistakenly think that you can just slip right back into your old life. Friends, that life is gone. You are not able to think, much less communicate, in any fluid manner. Prepare yourself for failure after failure.

            The thing about it is, you CAN do more. You can type, rather than talk, and achieve clarity. You could write a book. I did. You have the ability to create art, make friends, learn a new activity, and anything under the sun that brings you to smile.

            Money is an entirely different issue. It goes hand in hand with work. Press to find work if you are able. But if not, like me, carry pride that your disability can pay a few bills. -just a few, but it sure makes me feel better. It gives me the self-confidence that in my own way, I contribute. And I have now applied for a part-time job that I certainly will not get. All I know is that the effort taken proves that I care. And I do.

            A brain injury is a delicate balance of coming to terms with what you can and cannot do. That said, do not let stereotypes make any decisions for you. FIND what you CAN do.

Admitting disability is the hardest thing I have ever done. But I did. And now, playing with our dogs in the sun, I smile. I roll up my sleeves, take hold of my balance, and throw that striped, orange ball with all my might. Friends, brain injury or not, dogs will still bring it back. Our pal, in a knowing way, drops the ball at my feet. Her tail wags. She just knows everything is alright.

It is a good day.

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