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Thank You

December 20, 2011

The Brain Injury Association of America has been working with a group of people with brain injury over the last couple of years. The Association wanted a means of getting honest and constructive feedback on a range of program ideas and issues. BIAA also wanted a means of getting the word out about brain injury issues. A group was formed. They named themselves the “Alumni Group”. They have offered the Association their time and input on a range of issues. They are the group that helped with the idea of developing a section of the website where people could share their stories. They are the group that developed the Guide to Sharing Your Story. The Alumni Group is an amazing and dedicated group of people, offering their expertise to help improve awareness of brain injury. The Brain Injury Association thanks them for their time and dedication, and looks forward to future projects with this group.

​Have a Story to Share?

​Every brain injury is different, yet there are lessons we can learn from the experiences of others. No matter whether you are an individual with a brain injury, a family member, caregiver, or clinician, your story is important.

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