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Slip-Sliding Away

October 19, 2018

My family means everything to me, but I fear I may push them away. Everyday that goes by I feel like the life that I knew as mine is getting further out of reach. I was a great athlete, and I played every sport under the sun. What me good was my passion, and my energy. I just never got tired! I gave everything I had to sports, because honestly I did not have a great upbringing and it was my release. When I was in 5th grade I started playing tackle football. I had my first concussion a year later. I also had one in Baseball as a catcher that next spring. As I got a little older in High School I didn’t play football because I was tired of being hurt all the time. So I Ran Cross Country , played Basketball, and kept playing Baseball. In Basketball I suffered 2 concussions from having my legs swept out from under me. I hit my head once on the bleachers and once on the floor. In Baseball I got hit by a 90mph fastball in the left cheek and knocked unconscious for 5 minutes. I was then put in the hospital for 48 hours for observations. The next season our 3rd baseman and I were driving in a car and we got rear ended at 45mph by a guy in a Mercedes, and I was put in the hospital again for a concussion. Spent a long time throwing up and sick from that one. Living in Florida we all skateboarded in the 80’s. I had one concussion that I remember that knocked me out. I hit my on the concrete sidewalk while doing a trick (no helmet of course), I was sick for 3 days and couldn’t really walk. Several times had mild concussions- hitting my head while biking, slamming down in my friends boat while hitting a hard wake, another car accident, etc… Now I am really suffering. I have had a headache for 2 straight years, gets worse every day. It is in my left front quadrant, above my left eye. Kept thinking it was sinuses, but no just a headache. Depression is getting worse daily, now Dr thinks I may be bi-polar. I am really sad and crying, then I am happy, then I just want to die.

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