Sacred Purpose

My story starts when I was having intimacy. I’m conveying this because it’s important to know, this can happen. Either an aneurysm or artery exploded, resulting in a thunderclap headache. I was diagnosed with a non acute subdural hemorrhage. I was still having a lingering headache and a Neurologist sent me for a MRA. I had 3 aneurysms and a radiologist coiled one in an angio. Fast forward to six months, had another angio to ensure coiling was okay. Had a CVA in recovery and again the next day. An emergency craniotomy was performed and part of my cerebellum was removed, due to blood hemorrhaging on the brain. I had to relearn to walk, talk, and create a new identity.
When I woke from the coma, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I had found my purpose. I created a nonprofit called There Is A Solution Inc. I hadn’t lost my Legal Assistant experience and it has helped immensely. I volunteer at hospitals giving survivors, family, and caregivers the insight (advice, assistance, guidance, help, and support) to move forward after a brain injury trauma. I want to share my courage, strength, and hope with the entire brain injury community. I’ve also created an Interactive Brain Injury Community platform, similar to other support groups. has categories of different subjects, we often struggle with. Please leave a comment in the “Advice/Suggestions” category, for other categories I should add. Thanks for listening.