My story-My issues-Hope to Change in Time

My story was similar to The Little Engine That Could BUT seems to have hit some challenging roadblocks. I am certainly not seeking pity but would love routes to get around these roadblocks.
It started in 2003, shortly after I delivered my son. A brain tumor was found but removed. This was an Oligodendroglioma tumor removed from the left frontal lobe. The issue was they reoccur, typically within 5 years BUT here we are nearly 20 years later with no reoccurrence. The downside was on day 10, tumor induced epilepsy set in with a horrific grand mal seizure.
I considered myself fortunate but disappointed when on all of the follow up poking and prodding after surgery, they happen to find an aneurysm.
It wasn’t until 2006 my aneurysm was clipped. This was on my carotid artery & was also located in the left frontal lobe.
Once again in 2017 another brain aneurysm appeared. As usual they are monitored. During this time, I had a stroke during one of the tests and began having increased seizure activity. In October 2018, I was ordered to have surgery STAT. All of my craniotomies were in the left frontal lobe, but due to all of the tissue damage, I was very fortunate to have a surgeon who determined an alternate route to enter to clip this aneurysm. I am aware I am very lucky to be alive.
One of my neurologists believes I am also having mini-strokes so testing is awaiting his cardiologist. I was diagnosed with narcolepsy in December of 2017 after a sleep study and a horrible amount of sleep with the inability to wake up.
Each surgery is getting more and more difficult to heal from. This one has effects that I am just NOT recovering from. Depression, executive function, memory issues that are just strange, word retrieval, mood/personality issues-I don’t often even feel like the same person, the list of roadblocks goes on and on. I don’t feel unintelligent all of the time but I do feel like it changes from day to day.