My Mother is Trapped

13 years ago , my sisters and I were woken up by a phone call stating that my mother was in an accident and is in the hospital, I was 8 years old at the time. I remember thinking that she probably choked on something, never thinking that it was going to be as severe as it was. I remember my dads face when he came home, eyes red nd swollen from crying, pale white skin , I have never seen him like this and at the time didnt know he witnessed this traumatic event. I learned later on that my dad and mom were walking home from the train at about 3 in the morning and the crossing light was blinking my mom told my dad we can make it lets make a run for it , my dad said na lets just wait , my mom let go of my dads hand nd made a run for it , next thing you know she was hit by a drunk driver, she flew all the way to the other side of the street, my dad in shock, has to run out into the street stop the cars from coming , yelling for help, seeing his wife bleeding, twisted , broken up on the ground. I didnt know the severity of the accident for a long time , my mom was in a coma for a couple of months. I didnt understand what was going to happen, I thought this was all just temporary , mommy is just in the hospital for right now . Mom woke up from the coma and after many surgeries she ended up being in a vegetative state . She Cannot talk, walk, eat or communicate. My family nd I have been taking care of her for 13 years , she is currently in a nursing home nd my grandma basically takes care of her 24/7 she does everything the nurses are supposed to do. Bathes her, changes her diapers , suctions her , turns her , moves her from bed to wheelchair , just EVERYTHING. She does this willingly because she knows she can get it done better with more care than the nurses , My sisters nd I help out as much as we can , every night I go to her nd help move my mom nd get her ready for night time , i wish this post allowed more text so i can tell you more .