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My Little Bird, Little Love.

August 24, 2018 Julie Rocha

On July 28, 2018, we got the call that no parent ever wants to receive. The call was to go down to University Medical Center of El Paso, Texas (UMC) to confirm the young lady who suffered a traumatic brain injury was our daughter, Jennalyssa Chairez. Upon getting that call, my heart felt deep pain and I began to cry, I had an ugly feeling. I do not even remember arriving to the ICU unit, it felt like forever just to get to the hospital. When we arrived, we were taken to the 2nd floor, ICU at UMC and in room# 15 lay my only daughter, my baby who just turned 18 and just graduated from Coronado High School. My daughter appeared lifeless, she was hooked to machines, her head was shaved and full of staples, she had a tool sticking out of her skull, she had a neck brace, and was hooked to a ventilator. I nearly lost myself, I felt like I had died, I could not breathe and nearly passed out. I realized something bad happened to my daughter, I pulled myself together and spoke with one of the doctors who confirmed my daughter suffered a traumatic brain injury and underwent brain surgery. I will be honest, I had no idea how severe my daughter’s injury was and how it would impact all our lives. My sweet Jenna, just graduated from Coronado High School, in El Paso, Texas and was registered to start fall classes at University of Texas at El Paso to study Nursing. Jenna is an animal lover and was working the Pet Salon and Register at Pet’s Smart. Jenna’s life was put on hold 27 days ago because an underage drunk driver rear-ended Jenna’s car, causing Jenna’s car to spin and hit a concrete barrier. I am grateful, for UMC for saving my daughter and we are ready to tackle TBI with Jenna, she has not given up and we will not give up on Jenna. Jenna is currently in Albuquerque, NM at a Specialty Hospital for Long-Term Acute Care, we are still seeking a Neuro Rehab for Jenna and will continue to be strong for Jenna and our family. Julie Rocha

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