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jerry garcia

August 21, 2024
jerry garcia

My brain injury has been a learning experience , at first trying not to feel sorry for myself and next realizing it was up to me to heal myself. I found it true that the people who you expect to help don’t really understand because you don’t look injured .

I’m retired and it was trying having to learn to walk normally again , I was just shuffling my feet to get around ,then dealing with mood swings, depression , anxiety and feeling off balance. Been fortunate to have recovered from all except for balance and memory issues from time to time. I have to set a timer if I’m boiling water for tea otherwise I’ll forget and it boils out.

One of the common misconceptions is that your brain heals completely ,maybe it does but it is wired differently . My friends and family tell me I’m a different person but can’t tell exactly what’s different if that makes sense ha,ha! A big plus for me is that I have always been active, being a life long practitioner of martial arts which I’ve continued to this day, really helped with my recovery. So stay active !

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