I kinda made it
I was 21 years old, and the last thing I expected was to not wake up from a night before a party that I was throwing. But that is exactly what happened.
It was a cold February day, in 1996, and I was throwing a massive party with DJ’s who I brought in from out of state.
Reed and myself really wanted to be rested for it, so we went to bed early he on one couch and I on the other.
Jeff fell asleep on the floor and woke up with a massive headache, so he went home, not knowing why it happened, but he would soon find out. Carbon monoxide poisoning from the wall heater that was burning natural gas to heat the apartment. Reed never woke up again and I was comatose for 11 days.
When I finally did wake up, I couldn’t move the right half of my body and I was confused about what had happened, my memory was affected.
I proceeded to work my butt off to get out of the wheelchair and walk again. I was wheelchair bound for 8 months and slowly relearned how to walk, talk and think again. My life is difficult but I am so grateful.
I went on to get 3 college degrees, one of them a bachelor’s degree, and I taught in public schools for 15 years before I finally went on disability. Would I do anything different? Absolutely I would, but would I change anything about my life, HECK NO I WOULDN’T!!! You can do it, just put your mind to it and will it to happen!!