Horse to ER
Woke up excited it was Tuesday, that meant horseback riding lesson and barn day then class at the gym! Rainy day which meant riding inside. Riding my second favorite horse in the barn, who takes very good care of his riders. Quick storm moves in, horse in front spooks, spins around and scares my horse. He goes one way, I go the other way, hit the ground very hard (wearing a helmet). So hard I immediately l lose memory & vision connection. Fours later after coming out of cat scan I come to realization. I could not remember riding, which horse I was riding, that I fell and landed myself in the ER. I was in so much pain, right side of my head hurt horribly. Cat scan didn’t anything major so I could go home. Next day symptoms started, a lot of pain. Took two days to remember how to get food to my mouth. Walking like a toddler. Week after started at the concussion clinic and started physical therapy. Neck was strained, vision double out of focus, lost coordination of stepping forward. Four months of PT got me back on my feet, started running, read again, treated my neck. Still going monthly to the concussion clinic. We decided beginning of this year (benefits reset) could use another round of PT and OT-vision therapy, this time at the rehab neuro center. Turns out I have a TBI. Vestibular balance scored 50%, gaze stabilization pre-testing level, eyes over converging, motor skills & hand eye coordination off. I have learned so much and it’s been quite the journey past 9 months. I feel thankful I have not lost my happy personality. As my PT told me it’s not a sprint to the finish line, it’s a marathon. Each day thankful to be here.