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George Visger

October 16, 2024
George Visger

As a member of the 1981 SF 49ers Super Bowl championship team, I developed hydrocephalus from
concussions and underwent 3 emergency VP shunt brain surgeries in 8 months, and 9 the next 12 years.

I battled creditors for years to get my 2nd & 3rd brain surgeries paid, was forced to sue for Work Comp, and in 1986 became the first NFL player to win a Work Comp case when I won a Work Comp hearing and 2 Appeals.

Rather than settle, I kept my medical open and used Vocational Rehab to return to school in 86 to complete my Biology degree. I had 4 years of Biology at University of Colorado prior to being drafted in the NFL in 1980.

While enrolled in Physics, Organic Chemistry, Bio Chem and pre-calc courses I underwent 5 emergency brain surgeries and several gran mal seizures in a 10 month period.

Despite developing dyslexia and major short-term memory issues I graduated in 1990 with a BS in Biological Conservation and minor in Social Studies and went to work as a Wildlife biologist. In 1993 my shunt failed again and I underwent my 9th brain surgery and returned to work as a Biologist, and taught high school ELL Algebra, Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Studies for 2 1/2 years before returning to the Wildlife field in 1999.

I went on to launch an Environmental Consulting company in 2003 and a Traumatic Brain Injury Consulting company in 2010 prior to losing my business, home, kids and marriage when my short term memory was nearly nonexistent due to frontal lobe dementia.

From 2014 – 2019 I was forced by the 49ers Work Comp carrier The Travelers to win 4 more Work Comp hearings, 6 Appeals and 3 CA Court of Appeals to access treatments at Center for Neuro Skills and get my medical bills paid.

My book:

FACING GIANTS; My 38 Year Battle

Which chronicles my battle with Hydrocephalus, the NFL and The Travelers, will be published in March during Brain Injury Awareness Month.
The book will be available at, Amazon and other retailers.

I’m also featured in the soon to be released documentary, Beyond the Game, and am available as a speaker/ambassador with the film.

I do TBI Avoidance and Recovery seminars, Motivational speeches and Coaches Concussion Clinics throughout the country using the knowledge I’ve gained from 43 years of living with traumatic brain injuries..

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