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Dawn Fisher

August 7, 2024
Dawn Fisher

My life changed in 1990 from a fun, social college student to an infant in the blink of an eye. I was able to re learn how to breathe on my own, sit, stand, walk, write with my non dominant hand, comprehend and many other things in order for me mainstream into life again as a 20 year old. After a year of acute and outpatient rehab, I graduated college out of state, worked in the corporate married, got married and have 2 beautiful children which doctors told me I probably would be able to have. I’m epileptic now, have a shunt, get checks yearly with my neurologist and neuro surgeon , get MRIs and CTs scan of my brain ever few years, have double vision, lost my fine motor skills in my dominant hand, have a very airy and low voice due to me being intubated having a trache, have a small limp, but I’m alive! I’m here to make others aware. Support, Love, Motivation and many other things and individual helped to get me where I am now! I was extremely luck! I hope my store gives hope and strength and motivation to do the best you can. Don’t give up! Live your life to make you and others proud!

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