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Vicki Cooper

Vicki Cooper

On November 19th, 2010 I suffered catastrophic stroke, bleed to my brain, causing a brain injury. I was in my early 40’s and enjoying life. I was under a lot of stress, going thru a difficult divorce also I am a dentist who owned my own practice and doing quite well at that time. Little did I know I was born with an AVM. I was in perfect health and working out with my personal trainer when it occurred.  He noticed something was wrong and called 911. I was taken to Howard County Hospital, a CAT scan was done showing I had a bleed to my brain.  I was then flown to John’s Hopkins Hospital and my organs were beginning to fail. When I reached JHU I was in ICU fighting for my life and time was of essence. I stayed in ICU for 4 days and then I was moved to the brain injury unit for 10 days. While I was in ICU my oldest daughter, only 21 then, was told to plan my funeral and I also had a 14 year old daughter. They were devastated.  When I was moved to the brain injury unit I discovered that I had lost all mobility on my right side. I was told by all the doctors and neurologist that I would never walk again and I would never be able to practice dentistry again.

        I was then placed in the rehab unit of JHU, where I did not have any success so they transferred me to Kernan in Baltimore where I spent 30+ days there. I kept up my spirits and had to figure out my own body.  I had to learn how to do simple everyday task over again. Not only was I having a difficult time but my family did not know and have the tools of knowledge to help and understand what I was going thru.

        Here I am today, back practicing, running and working out again. Since then I have been called to talk to family members and family members of friends who have suffered a life changing event to help them get back to their normal lives or at least close to it.  Of all people I know what its like to loose everything and try to learn how to comb your hair, brush your teeth and even button your clothes, etc.

        I feel like I survived, to help and inspire others to fight and not give up, in overcoming what life has dealt you. I contribute my come back to perseverance and physical health as well as family and friends who were there every minute of the day. Of course, I did have some dark days but I had to put things in perspective and concentrate on my mental health on my own. I would like to be there for others who are struggling with that.  I have testimonies from all who I have helped get thru this difficult, life altering experience.  Little did I even know how stress can have a devastating effect of your life. I now listen to my body and I would like to inform people that its not always a physical reason for having a stroke but your mental health and dealing with stress can also have a major effect. I was in the best physical health of my life.

      Anytime I hear someone who suffered a stroke and is trying to get their life back I immediately stop and talk to that person whether I know them or not.  Today, I sold my practice back in 2014 to destress, the divorce went thru and my two daughters are doing well in their careers. I’m so thankful to be here and able to share my life and to help others. I am still practicing dentistry part time even though I sold my practice and running everyday plus weight lifting.