Bad day driving

After twenty in navy nine active duty eleven reserves also ran at local rescue squad and fire department for 17 years as a medic and firefighter. The medic was in two counties. I ran hard .now I am being pigeon hole trying to recover from a wreck/ TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY. Why that’s my question WHY. Traumatic Brain Injury , on May19’2012 was driving a firetruck delivering water to a attic fire went around curve in road to right road was wash out. Took truck off-road got it back on-road the water tank blew out 3500 gallons of water gone. I was in a coma . It took medflight medic 96 minutes to cut me out ( steering column cut 3 times flew me to MCV I was in a coma for 7 weeks. They found out I needed meds continuity so they put a medical port in my head . I had two get it turn down twice.i was sent home in a wheelchair but I went to McGuire fought now I use a cane inside and a rolling walker out side. Just trying to get a standard driving license back They have cut my hours for rehabilitation-from February7 to April14 , I think I need speech and physical rehabilitation still, I have not had any problems since then . It’s getting harder to get any body at McGuire to help except Gail Lewis , had Jessica doing speech therapy but they wouldn’t let her continue, WHY CAN’T anybody get anything done . Now still trying to get a regular drivers license,not the CDL class A I had